Project Showcase

Fun projects online

I like making stuff available in the public web if I can. Here's a few personal "research" projects I've made that you can try out.

A procedural city demonstrating some high quality deferred rendering techniques and effects (warning you need an M1 laptop or better to run this)

Algorithmic generative image tool using fractional brownian motion. Traverse the fractal like google maps and tune knobs

Visualizing source code relations and code ownership: an interactive data visualization project


Some graphics-related web experiments I've put on this website. All source code is in the website's repo

A WebGL music visualizer using web audio api. File & microphone support, and lots of tweakable sliders!

Interactive terrain simulation with procedural generation, erosion and lighting. A little demonstration of how plain old WebGL can be used for general-purpose GPU compute.

A simple Axis & Allies combat simulator.

Visit Alpha Centauri AKA Trisolaris and see the three-body problem in action.

3D procedurally generated ocean & island

VFD displays in CSS