Hi and welcome to my website!

This site is mainly for random browser apps I sometimes get an irresistible urge to make, and for some of that portfolio stuff. I might even write a blogpost one day.

About me

I'm Veikko, a software engineer from Helsinki, Finland with a positive look on life, the universe and everything. Like everybody else, I mostly work in the JavaScript land as a fullstack developer, enjoying the holistic approach to solving real problems with tech.
I won't bother namedropping the technologies, you can visit my LinkedIn page

I've been studying computer science for 5 years, with 9 years of experience in programming. During that time, I've most enjoyed graphics & game programming, shader development, writing a compiler from scratch and building a bunch of web apps. Some of the stuff I do is public at github.com/Veikkosuhonen

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a scientist. That hasn't really changed, I think that the scientific method and quest for new knowledge and truth are the philosophies to live by.
Lately I've been a little bit into astronomy and astrophotography and want to eventually develop my own lucky-imaging software stack. Stay tuned for any results...